From Candidate Questionnaires, Board Meetings, Voter Conversations (consistently updated)

Tackle funding shortages and the deficit budget
Oversee the execution of the $2 billion bond
Target teacher retention and recruitment

I stand firmly against school vouchers, which divert essential funding from public schools, weakening education. We must focus on strengthening our public education system, ensuring every child has access to the resources and opportunities they deserve

Every student, regardless of who they are or where they come from, deserves equal access to quality education, resources, and opportunities to succeed. In Conroe ISD, we must ensure that no student is left behind, and every child has the support they need to reach their full potential.
My 2025 Texas Legislative Priorities
as presented in Board Meeting Aug. 20, 2024
1 / Funding Protect and invest in public schools through a revised funding system, increased support for special education, and targeted teacher incentives.
Update the School Finance System: Increase the basic allotment to at least keep up with inflation from 2019 and update the state's funding formula to an enrollment-based calculation.
Increase State Funding for Special Education: Increase funding dedicated to special education (e.g., diagnostic services) to address the actual costs of providing students with the services they need.
Teacher Recruitment and Retention Funding: Establish state funding specifically targeted at improving teacher salaries, benefits, and incentives (e.g., loan forgiveness, training stipends).
Reject School Vouchers: Oppose legislation that diverts public education funds to private schools through voucher programs.
2 / Student Outcomes Focus on enhancing early education, reforming assessments, improving technology infrastructure, and updating curricula to better prepare students for future success.
Universal Pre-K: Advocate for state funding to provide universal access to pre-kindergarten programs, ensuring that all children in Texas start school with a strong foundation for learning.
Accountability and Assessment Reform: Support a reduced reliance on the STAAR test and advocate for a more holistic assessment system that includes multiple measures of student growth, and college/career readiness.
Technology Infrastructure and Digital Learning Resources: Promote state investment in technology infrastructure, including high-speed internet and modern digital learning resources, with particular attention to addressing needs of rural areas to ensure all students have access to the tools necessary for 21st-century learning.
3 / Safety Secure essential funding for school safety upgrades, expand mental health resources, enhance digital safety measures, and support stable funding for effective safety measures in schools.
Funding for School Safety Measures: Advocate for state funding for mandated essential school safety upgrades, including secure entrances, advanced surveillance systems, officers on campus, and Multi-disciplinary Threat Assessment Teams to enhance overall security. Promote legislation that supports a formula funding per campus model over grants, ensuring that schools have predictable and stable funding for safety measures.
Expand Mental Health Services: Support initiatives to increase mental health resources for students and staff by funding additional counselors, and comprehensive mental health programs.
Enhance Digital Safety and Cybersecurity: Advocate for measures to protect student data through improved cybersecurity protocols and educational programs that teach students about online safety and responsible digital behavior.